Friday, September 9, 2011

Tangible Video Editor

Tangible user interfaces are related to other areas of research as well.  The two frameworks I focused on both expanded the area of focus and wanted to combine some topics.  Getting a Grip on Tangible Interaction: A Framework on Physical Space and Social Interaction focused on combining four major areas: Tangible Manipulation, Spatial Interaction, Embodied Facilitation, and Expressive Representation.  Reality-Based Interaction: A Framework for Post-WIMP Interfaces based the framework on the intuitiveness of using natural everyday concepts that the user already knows.  I use both of these frameworks to analyze the Tangible Video Editor, which is a movie editor that consists of plastic video puzzle pieces that fit together, transition pieces that fit in between the video puzzle pieces, and a play-controller which will play the video clips of the connected pieces.

Users can reach out and pick up the video clips that they would like to view, and can arrange them by physically moving the video pieces.  This can be categorized under haptic direct manipulation as well as naive physics.  The user knows about touching things in the world and can arrange the objects as they desire, such as by arranging the clips they desired to use closer to them.  The tangible video editor is lightweight because it allows users to experiment with different orders and transitions without any consequences.  The feed back is not as rapid.  For the clips to be played, the video pieces must each be connected to the play-controller by physically moving them.

The user has a large amount of spatial interaction with the editor.  The video puzzle pieces are physical pieces that the user can interact with and can reorder them.  The materials are configurable because when the user puts them in an order connected to the play-controller he/she has created a new movie segment.  There is a clear connection between putting the video pieces together in a specific order and then playing back the resulting movie.  The user perceives the coupling between the digital video media and the physical pieces of plastic.  The puzzle shaped pieces are tailored to users’ experience because how to construct a puzzle is general knowledge.

Users who edit with the tangible video editor collaborated greatly with each other.  The number of video segments means the users have to collaborate to sort all of them, and they are too large for one user to gather only him or her.  These embodied constraints force users to work together to create a movie.  This helps users use their social awareness.  They are able to share the puzzle pieces and discuss their plot plans.  All of the users are also able to see what is going on and be near the play-controller, which is the way to control when to play the clips and which clips to play.  This is a good use of multiple access points because one user cannot take over the whole project.

The tangible video editor is a good example of a new tangible system that encourages collaboration and makes video editing an enjoyable social activity.  It contains many of the concepts that are in both frameworks, many of which overlap.  These concepts help show and define the parts of this system that contribute to making it sucessfull!

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